Author Archives: Gary Jordan

Hurrican Cleanup

As you all know, the hurricane destroyed trees all over Iva, including the Bowie horse riding and walking trails. We want to thank all volunteers from the locals, the Purpose Riders, the Over 40 women trail riders and their husbands, and the Crescent Cross Country team members for helping clear the trails from the fallenContinue Reading

Bowie Old Farm Day Scheduled for Sept. 22, 2018

  Notice to all our friends of the Bowie Old Farm Show: With sadness, we are cancelling the show this year scheduled for Sept. 22. With the passing of David Rainey in April, our meeting and planning interest has dropped off and we just do not have enough volunteer help to do the show. IfContinue Reading

Bowie Old Farm Show on Sept. 23, 2017

Ad_Bowie-Farm 2017Continue Reading

New addition to museum

Thanks to Pat Carpenter for the great refinishing job and Pam Farmer for providing the tractor in memory of her father.Continue Reading


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